`include "lisp_processor.v"
+`ifdef SIM
+`define SCALING 0
+`define SCALING 7
module top (input CLK, output [4:0] LED, output UART_TX, input UART_RX);
// Prescaler on the clock
reg [24:0] counter = 0;
// Connect up the processor
- PROCESSOR cpu(.clk(counter[7]),
+ PROCESSOR cpu(.clk(counter[`SCALING]),
result <= mem[6];
initial begin
- mem[0] <= 0;
- mem[1] <= 0;
- mem[2] <= 16'b0010000000000000;
- mem[3] <= 16'b0010000000000000;
- mem[4] <= 16'd8;
- mem[5] <= 16'b1110000000001000; /* QUOTE 8 */
- mem[6] <= 0;
- mem[7] <= 16'd48;
- mem[8] <= 16'd49;
- mem[9] <= 16'd50;
+ mem[ 0] <= 0; // (cdr part of NIL)
+ mem[ 1] <= 0; // (car part of NIL)
+ mem[ 2] <= 16'b0010000000000000; // (cdr part of T)
+ mem[ 3] <= 16'b0010000000000000; // (car part of T)
+ mem[ 4] <= 16'd12; // (free storage pointer)
+ mem[ 5] <= 16'b1100000000000111; // CALL 7
+ mem[ 6] <= 0; // (result of computation)
+ mem[ 7] <= 16'b0000000000001001; // MORE 9
+ mem[ 8] <= 16'b0010000000000101; // NUMBER 5
+ mem[ 9] <= 16'b1110000000000000; // FUNCALL NIL
+ mem[10] <= 16'b1000000000001011; // PROC 11
+ mem[11] <= 16'b0101111111111110; // VAR -2
-read_verilog -sv flash.v
+read_verilog -sv -DSIM flash.v
prep -top top -nordff
-sim -clock CLK -vcd test.vcd -n 1000
+sim -clock CLK -vcd test.vcd -n 3000